Tip your hat to SPYNX, a five-year old Boxer who feels solely responsible for protecting his neighborhood.
That’s why he’d been roaming the streets while Mom was at work–he was just checking on things–doing what he thought was his job! But no one believed poor Spynx–no one understood. Spynx’s watch-dogging went largely unappreciated.
His Mom had to start chaining him during the day, and this broke Mom’s heart. Being a decent, humane, good-hearted person, Spynx’s Mom gave Chain Free Dogs a call. As always, Chain Free Dogs was ready and willing to help a dog in need, and they built Spynx a nice fence.
Although Spynx is now confined to his fenced yard, he still manages to keep a close watch on the neighborhood. Look at the picture, see him staring through the fence? He takes this job very seriously! Although, every now and then Spynx does sneak in a break to run and play in his new fenced in yard.