Max and Allie

Max=Rule-Breaker Allie=Loyal Follower

I’m Max, pictured at the bottom of the photo. I’m a Husky mixed with Awesome.

At first, I’d thought, am I dreaming this? We’re FREE? No more friggin’ chains?

But yep, it’s really true..we’ve been UN-chained!

My partner in crime is Allie, a Lab, not mixed with anything. (Sad).

Me and Allie used to roam off the property getting into all sorts of mischief. That’s why we got chained up.

TRUST ME: Living your whole life on a chain SUCKS!

But then a MIRACLE happened! Some nice people came and built us a ginormous fence, and now we’re free to run and play and be crazy. We are OFF THE CHAIN, FOR REAL!!

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Chain Free Dogs
