
"Sprung From Jail!"

This half blind terrier mix, LUCAS, was locked up at the shelter for 349 days. Yes, you read it right, Lucas suffered THREE HUNDRED FORTY NINE DAYS in a kennel, feeling hopeless, bored and lonely.

Recently, Lucas had a phenomenal stroke of luck: He was ADOPTED!

It was a good-hearted military veteran who sprung Lucas from his long stretch behind bars. For this extraordinary act of kindness Lucas’s adopter received free fencing by Lyons Fencing and Chain Free Dogs. (That is the deal between the JC shelter and Chain Free Dogs: if you adopt a longterm shelter resident you get free fencing!)

There is still goodness in this scary world, as this is the third longterm JC shelter resident to be set free!

Congrats Lucas! Enjoy your new life of freedom. We’re all so happy for you!

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Chain Free Dogs
